Because we get exactly one chance at this.
This site is not pro-Republican, nor is it pro-Democrat. It is anti-nepotism, and it’s taking the Hunter Biden/Burisma scandal as an opportunity to explore that problem, which transcends political affiliation. Neither Democrats nor Republicans are immune to it.
Importantly, most political mendacity has nothing to do with whether something is legal or illegal. That doesn’t make something morally right in this context. It’s wrong when a Republican family capitalizes off of opportunities that they get because of connection, rather than merit, and it’s wrong when a Democratic family does. Politicians have an obligation to call out their family members for that kind of activity. They’re held to a higher standard than private citizens.
We have to demand better, and we have to hold our own “sides” (those of us who have one) accountable. Otherwise, attacking the other side for doing the same thing has nothing to do with justice, just political opportunity.
Site launches on October 3.

Because there’s at least one thing we can all agree on.
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